Friday 12 September 2008

Well its official

I now have two teenage children, how old does that make me feel lol.
My daughter has turned 13 today, my son is 14 next friday.

More spots, tantrums, homework, can I have etc etc.

Been a great day tho so far and she is off out with a mate from school this afternoon, so hopefully its one birthday to remember.

Thursday 4 September 2008

My pride and Joy

Well it finally happened yesterday. My neoved car was sold at 1930 last night and driven away by its new owner.
Despite me not being able to use it since March due to my foot problems, it jump started at the first turn of the key in the ignition and off it went.
Am sad at such a fab car having to go cos I can no longer drive it, but the sale gives me a start for saving towards my dream car of an Automatic Freelander. I am determined to buy one out right so as not to have it on finance ad know that it is going to be some time before I do but I can wait.

Thursday 28 August 2008


Well have decided to take a back seat in my making of atc's and joining in on my crafting forums.
I have a large number of cards to make before the end of the year and these seem to be taking up a lot of my time.
I've entered the christmas challenge atc on the trimcrafts forum, but that's it at the mo, cards need to come first.
Am awaiting a new box of goodies to help with ideas.

I also have decided it is time I went back to work, although my foot still isn't as it should be, boredom has took over, my youngest starts school full time next week and I don't relish hours of emptiness so will go back to my carer's job as soon as, so less time for cards is envisaged. And even less for atc's, these will have to be done as and when inspiration returns for things so small.

School starts next week with four children needing to be up, dressed, fed and ready in a morning so a full time job at home also awaits.

Saturday 19 July 2008


Well thats it, my kids have broken up for the summer hols.
So now 2 boys and 2 girls to keep amused for six weeks.

My crafting stuff is going to take a battering as the girls help themselves to bits and bobs for their own creations, whilst with the lads, it'll be games consoles and arguments about who's winning and whos playing what.

So I have my ear plugs at the ready, but its also got its good points, more time to spend with the kids and no getting up early for work.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Cards for my son's Nursery Teachers

These are the creations for my youngest to give his nursery teachers as I think he will be missed and he'll definately mss them.

Monday 14 July 2008

my fave crafting pastime

Exploding wedding box

Larger than life size

Monday 7 July 2008

more games just for fun also provides free online games just for fun .

Either that or have your own gaming at home, the best console ever I have to say is the Nintendo Wii, I have never had so much fun with a games console, its great for all the family and talk about laugh, when its on the neighbours must wonder whats happening as we can't stop. The best investment we've made to keep the family entertained.